please contact us, we would love to hear from you

Petersham Pipes
Lombard Business Park
8 Lombard Road
London SW19 3TZ

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

DPD orders of £40 or more are free. We charge £4.50 for orders under £40

Royal Mail orders of £20 or more are free. We charge £1.50 for orders under £20.

You can choose your delivery method at checkout. DPD is tracked. Royal Mail is not.

DPD do not deliver to Northern Ireland or the Scottish Highlands and Islands

We charge £9.95 for all worldwide orders

Do you deliver World-wide?

Yes. We deliver world-wide for £9.95 track and signed for. Delivery takes 7-10 working days.

How long will delivery take?

UK Delivery is working next day tracked for most orders. Orders received after 1 pm may not be shipped until the following day. We do not ship on Saturday and Sundays. So a UK order placed on Sunday will arrive on Tuesday.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

It is as secure as it is possible to be. Our web site never actually sees your full credit card details just an encrypted reference.

What exactly happens after ordering?

You receive an email confirming your order, then an email confirming dispatch together with a tracking link (UK orders only), if you have a mobile phone number on your account you will also receive a tracking text from DPD.

How can I track my order

If you have ordered using DPD just click the link in the email. Or click the track your order menu in the top bar of this web site. 

What if I am unhappy with my order?

All orders are fully refundable, just return it for a full credit.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

You will find your invoices in your account in this when site.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

You will find your invoices in your account in this when site.